December Morning

Yesterday we were told we'd have all kinds of snow and ice - schools were delayed or cancelled altogether, people stayed home from work - my daughter even missed a playdate! But it turned out to be a lot of fuss over nothing much - by 10am all the ice was melted and everyone went back to their routines. However all the precipitation did create some lovely mist over Indian Lake.
By the way, I didn't mean to suggest that I baked all the cookies in yesterday's post myself - far from it! The picture was from the Sharon Historical Society's party on Saturday, and at least a dozen people contributed wonderful things, from gingerbread to mincemeat to some kind of incredible creamy chocolatey coconut thing that I will dream about til the day I die!
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Beautiful picture, but reminds me of a teenage horror movie I think.
Mysterious lake.
What a great photo!
"Indian Lake" is a song by the Cowsills, by the way...:)
That's an absolutely stunning photo! Very impressed! :)
Glasgow Daily Photo
so Get a load of what suckers with too much money are paying for these days
What a great photo! dr.jill
That's an absolutely stunning photo sewa
That's an absolutely stunning photo liv white diamond
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What a great photo! hira blue
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