Theme Day - When People think of my town...

...they think of... the Twin Oaks. I didn't know that until I moved here - in fact I knew nothing about Sharon except that it had an Audubon center. (Which is probably something else people think of!) But on our first visit, our host drove us up to the peak of the hill on Route 41 to view the famous vista. This shot (which is featured in my show - see yesterday's post!) is from a different angle - you have to hike up into the field to see them this way.
What else is Sharon best known for? There are probably many answers to that - anyone want to nominate something (or someONE) else?
Anyway, it's Theme Day again for the City Daily Photoblog family. As of this writing, 135!!! blogs are planning to post something iconic about their city. Take a tour around the world:
Portland (OR), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Memphis (Tennessee), USA - Manila, Philippines - San Diego (CA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - New York City (NY), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Mexico City, Mexico - San Francisco (CA), USA - Mumbai (Maharashtra), India - Mainz, Germany - Weston (FL), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Turin, Italy - Las Vegas (NV), USA - Hobart (Tasmania), Australia - Bicheno, Australia - Durban, South Africa - Joplin (MO), USA - Nashville (TN), USA - Stockholm, Sweden - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Brussels, Belgium - Chicago (IL), USA - Montpellier, France - Seattle (WA), USA - Mazatlan, Mexico - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Sesimbra, Portugal - Toulouse, France - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Susanville (CA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Helsinki, Finland - Pilisvörösvár, Hungary - Lisbon, Portugal - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Trujillo, Peru - Dunedin (FL), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - London, UK - Baziège, France - Jefferson City (MO), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Mumbai, India - Naples (FL), USA - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Setúbal, Portugal - Stayton (OR), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Sofia, Bulgaria - Arradon, France - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Athens, Greece - Austin (TX), USA - Singapore, Singapore - West Sacramento (CA), USA - Jackson (MS), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Budapest, Hungary - Rotterdam, Netherlands - St Malo, France - Chandler (AZ), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Cleveland (OH), USA - Nottingham, UK - Kansas City (MO), USA - The Hague, Netherlands - Crystal Lake (IL), USA - Wrocław, Poland - Chateaubriant, France - Cheltenham, UK - Moscow, Russia - Monrovia (CA), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - Toruń, Poland - Grenoble, France - Lisbon, Portugal - New Orleans (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia - Boston (MA), USA - American Fork (UT), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Wichita (KS), USA - Radonvilliers, France - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Christchurch, New Zealand - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Wailea (HI), USA - Aliso Viejo (CA), USA - St Francis, South Africa - Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Seattle (WA), USA - Pasadena (CA), USA - Vienna, Austria - Orlando (FL), USA - Torun, Poland - Delta (CO), USA - Santa Fe (NM), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Haninge, Sweden - Paris, France - Stavanger, Norway - Niamey, Niger - Le Guilvinec, France - Bogor, Indonesia - Saarbrücken, Germany - Auckland, New Zealand - Wellington, New Zealand - Budapest, Hungary - Juneau (AK), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Glasgow, Scotland - Chicago (IL), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Sydney, Australia - Riga, Latvia - Subang Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia - Terrell (TX), USA - Terrell (TX), USA
absolutely beautiful shot!
That is just spectacular. I am awe struck :-)
A tree for a place, what a nice symbol! Great shot, as usual.
This photo is so beautiful!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
What a wonderful landscape! I ask myself what it is about trees. They are so photogenic most of the time, don't you agree?
That is a wonderful shot - a classic.
Yah, great shot. As for what Sharon is best known for, it's not terribly glamorous and photoworthy, but I'm afraid Sharon is best known for its hospital.
Have you shot it before?
waouhh....cette photo est magnifique, un vrai poster. bravo
Waouhh .... this picture is wonderful, a real poster. Bravo
Going with your previous post, I'd say Sharon will be well-known by it's daily photo blog ! :P
Terry, I've done a shot once or twice of the hospital, but it's not very photogenic outside, and I never thought to shoot inside (probably wouldn't be allowed to!)
just wonderful! =)
Beautiful, just beautiful!
Happy Theme Day Jenny!
that blue sky is flawless.
What a great shot. There's something so peaceful about these trees in winter.
One of the best tree photos I've seen. The snow and blue sky really set it off.
A perfect tree & I appreciate the light dust of snow too. I only know Sharon through your blog and I do remember some of your other photos of these (or other) oaks.
That is a gorgeous photo! You are lucky to have such natural beauty there.
I echo Edwin and Sally. This shot is literally breathtaking. Kudos! As I was about to click on your blog I thought to myself what is Sharon known for. . . Well, I only know Saron because of your images, and what came to my mind as a repeating theme was the oaks, so hooray. I'm in insider now, I guess ;^).
Seattle Daily Photo
Gorgeous photo! Happy Theme Day from Maui!
I love your photo! It's perfect.
Happy Theme Day!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
thats a wonderful looking picture
it really is amazing! the sky is so blue, and against the snowy landscape and the tree is just beautiful.. i wish we'd get some snow!
Just a fantastic image! Love it!
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
This is a spectacular the tree!
It's very clean image of your place. Nice!
Absolutely perfectly beautiful.
How's your show going? I really wish I could get there to see it.
I love the snow on the branches in your photo.
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