
Saturday, January 01, 2011

House on the hill

From Drop Box

The big snow we had last weekend is already melting - it felt like spring today.
Happy New Year - may 2011 bring many more photographs!


Blogger Rick said...

More photos of yours?...I'll second that!!...I keep waiting for you're artists eye to come awake again on a more frequent offering! happy New Year to you and yours.... :)

10:04 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

You're back. Good to have you. The new images look nice and sharp. A new camera for Christmas?

10:03 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Jack, I did get myself a new camera to replace my pocket Canon - being how I am, I studied reviews compulsively but ultimately decided I couldn't afford the camera of my dreams (it actually doesn't exist - I was waffling between a Canon G12, Canon S95, and the equivalent Panasonic models but none of them had everything I wanted.) Then on one of my favorite discount shopping websites, I found a slightly lower-end but still excellent Panasonic hugely discounted (it's a refurb model.) It's much better than my 4 year old Canon IS710, though still not a DSLR. (I have one of those - an older Nikon D70--and am waiting for big bucks to rain down on me to get the lens I want for it! It only does 6MP though so I can't print large enough for my own preference - the photos I did in the show had to be enlarged in photoshop so aren't as clear as I'd want.)

Anyway I'm not promising to post daily - I've made and broken that promise too many times. But I want to refocus (no pun intended) on photography right now, and so here I am. Thanks for sticking with me!

8:51 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

Your comment reminds me of one of my favorite canards: The perfect is the enemy of the good. Instead of holding back and waiting for the perfect camera, get what you can (as you did) and just get out there!!!

9:30 PM  

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