Springtime pinks
I said I wouldn't overdo the flowers... but I like the matching pinks of this photo! I'm spending a lot of time in the garden, and a lot more on bikes too!
One picture a day of this rural, old New England town.
I said I wouldn't overdo the flowers... but I like the matching pinks of this photo! I'm spending a lot of time in the garden, and a lot more on bikes too!
I spent last evening at the local high school watching "Battle of the Bands" -- and I didn't even have a kid in it! Not surprisingly, there were some impressive musicians - what really did surprise me was the quality of the songwriting, especially from a group called Windowbox Failures. (I'm guessing they got the name from one of those random name generators! (I tried it and came up with Dangerous Cucumber, Bizarre Boar and Bisque Feather.) They won second place - both first prize and audience choice awards were given to another excellent band called The Elevator Ladies.
Daffodils are in full bloom - in the last few days I've seen azaleas, tulips, fattening buds on lilac trees - after that endless dormant period where nothing changes for days, weeks, months, it's all moving at freight-train speed now!
After a week and a half of blazing sun, it's finally raining a bit now with more forecast over the next few days. Just in time for emerging gardens.
All this week, I've been places - lovely and interesting places - and not had my camera with me. Why? Maybe because I know, somehow, it's time for this blog to change. I know others have stuck with the daily commitment and I admire that. But right now it doesn't seem possible. I posted daily, mostly, for two full years. As an art project, a social experiment, a way of promoting Sharon, a way of being a part of a global community, I am so glad I've done it. But I don't want to keep failing to keep that commitment and I know I can't do it every day anymore. Maybe that will change, but for now I am going to commit to only this:
I will continue the blog, posting as I can. I hope never to let a week go by without a couple of photos, but I don't want to post a boring or repetitive photo just for the sake of posting, either. I've been invited to photograph at some interesting homes and gardens, so that will provide fresh opportunity, and there's always something new to do and see and shoot - I will continue to do that, and to bring photos of Sharon to all who have come to rely on this blog for a taste of life in our beautiful corner of the world. I appreciate all your thoughtful comments, and so often when I've thought of quitting, it's you, the readers and visitors, who have kept me going.
Sometime soon I will post a new header reflecting its "non-daily" status. I'll keep the URL as so many have it bookmarked.
I welcome your thoughts and feedback!
This week in Sharon has been spectacularly beautiful. I have even had some time to enjoy it, in between evenings spent at the enjoyable TV Turnoff week activities sponsored by the local Parent Teacher organization. (This one was "game night" - there was also a swim, a bingo tournament, and PJ's story hour at the school library.
I haven't been posting this week, and that has led me to a decision that I think has been coming for a long time. About which, more tomorrow.
You may remember my beloved sheep photo, which I chose as the best of last year (and therefore reposted on New Year's Day.)
They recently got a haircut, and look pretty spiffy! The coats apparently are to keep them clean, not warm, and just add to the elegant effect!
I promise I won't overdo it with the spring flowers this year. But these daffodils are so happy! Today it was 80 degrees and perfectly sunny - we cleaned up the garden, assembled a trampoline we bought in December, and had our first cookout of the season. Perfect!
I have got to get out this weekend and pay a visit to my sheeply friends - they recently had a serious haircut and I want to admire their new do! This was taken of the Pine Hill Farm sheep, from afar!
and Spring appears! Thank you, Denton, for keeping the blog going while I was in Costa Rica for a week (link to photos to come within the next few days) - meanwhile I came home yesterday to find trees and daffodils blooming all around! Hooray!
The baseball season is underway - and so is blooming season. Three cheers for the home team!
One of the many lovely things about our local school is the view from the playgrounds - rolling fields to the farmland behind. It's such a peaceful environment to play in and to see out the window when your mind wanders.
I had a great visit with the fifth grade today - Mrs. Klisch brought her class to see my show for Women's History month - I was the Woman Artist for the day. I shared some of my photographs, some of how I came to start the blog, and talked about what it takes to be an artist. I asked them a lot of questions and the conversation wandered here and there - I never did explain to them why I started asking them about " selfishness" - so, fifth grade, if you read this, here's why I brought it up:
You have been taught not to be selfish, and as girls, especially so. But to be an artist you have to be a little bit selfish. You have to believe that doing art is worth your time, and insist on taking the time to do it, even when others are trying to pull you away, and when you are expected to help and take care of everyone else around you. Of course you still have to be a good and kind person, but you have to believe, really believe, that your art is as deserving of your time and attention as anything else in your life, even when you're just starting out and not very "good" yet by whatever standards people around you are judging art!
Coming out of the mud where they spend the winter sleeping, they are looking for a spot of sun. Yesterday was warm and wet - today is sunny and back to windy and cold. I hate April - it gets your hopes up and then dashes them, over and over and over! Each year I vow not to be taken in, suckered - I vow to keep those sweaters out until the end of May - but then April comes and I can't stand to look at wool anymore - I just want to wear something soft and light - so I do, and I shiver all day long!