It was Primary Day here in Connecticut. I always get a little giddy on election day - I feel a sort of misty-eyed sentimental optimism whenever I have the chance to vote. I've never missed an election in the 23 years since I first registered. This time, the Connecticut senatorial election became big national news - long-time Senator Joe Lieberman, famous among other things for running as Al Gore's vice presidential candidate in 2000, came under attack for his unswerving support of the war in Iraq. For many of us, it was our first real opportunity to stand up and be counted on this issue that has been so divisive in our country. I was pleased and proud to make my statement.
If you're not familiar with the American voting system,
here's how we do it, at least here in Sharon.P.S. later tonight, walking home from a show (about which I'll post tomorrow) I ran into the first selectman* - he'd been busy tallying votes after the polls closed. He said the challenger, Ned Lamont, beat Lieberman by more than 2:1 here in town, with extremely high turnout. We'll find out soon what happened statewide!
*Small town mayor - he's also recently retired as pediatrician to my children and most others in town; he's also an accomplished singer and pianist - he first recruited me to join the
Light Opera Company of Salisbury, and I've heard he'll come to your party in a dress and play show tunes, if it's for a good cause!