
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Up Jumps Springtime

This is not the public mailbox I'm going to post for the DP monthly theme day - that comes tomorrow. However, with that theme being the plan it was a funny coincidence that I posted this photo exactly one year ago today. My neighbor, Meg, usually keeps the box filled with something seasonal, but when I went by today to see what was there, so I could shoot it for tomorrow's post, it was empty. So I'm recycling last year's very springy photo of Johnny jump-ups. Come to think of it, I haven't seen pansies or violas anywhere around yet - are they coming in late this year?

Friday, March 30, 2007


One little snowdrop - that's the way I celebrate the one-year anniversary of Sharon Daily Photo? Yes - bear with me for a moment and you'll see why. It's all about the number one.

One flower blooming - this is the first of the year, it just opened today. It's the beginning, the harbinger of change and growth. When I started this blog one year ago, I was stuck and I was sad.

One person showed me a way forward: Eric, of Paris, gave me an idea, a brilliant one, a manageable one.

One photo - one a day. I didn't think I could "be an artist" or a photographer, but I could do one photo a day - even I, stuck and sad, busy and overwhelmed, could manage that.

One step - we never know, do we, when we take that first step, where it will lead? I used to be frightened of not knowing - I couldn't take a step if I wasn't sure it would get me where I wanted to go, and I didn't even know where that was. So of course I was paralyzed, unable to take even one step.

One friend, and then another, and another - to all of you: Lisi and Edwin, Kris and Chris, Pierre and Olivier, Dsole and Jing, Ham and Meg, Ruth and Ani and Stewart, Maxx/Rick and Janet and so many more - each time you came to visit and left just one positive comment, you encouraged me to take one more photo, for one more day.

One year - one year later, so much has changed. So much growth, so much blooming. It's spring again, and I have one flower blooming in my garden. This time, I know for sure, that it will be followed by many many more.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Girls

girls, originally uploaded by jahansell.

I know I already posted this on my other blog - but I just love their faces and their different colors and wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to say hi to the girls!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Taghhannuck Grange, Sharon, CT

A quick re-visit to Ellsworth, since the first time I couldn't find (actually drove right by) the Grange, formerly the main church when Ellsworth was a town of its own.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Baby Face!

This little fellow was about three days old when I took this picture. My friends Gretchen and Randy, who live just down the road, acquired five fine fat sheep a few months back. They were told that one or two of them might be pregnant, but the vet couldn't tell. Sure enough, last Thursday morning when they went to visit, two newborn lambs had joined the flock. Apparently it's a good thing to handle the babies - I guess they need to get acclimated to humans - but the mom sure didn't like it.

Please please take a look at these photos I took - I adore these sheep with their hilarious faces, their way of racing around in a pack, and the wonderful baaa-ing! They're some of my favorite photos yet!

Sharon CT Daily Photo turns one year old on March 30 - how shall we celebrate?

Monday, March 26, 2007

It's Girl Scout Cookie Season!

These entrepreneurial souls were camped out in front of Trotta's, our local grocery store, on Saturday, flagging down the passers by to sell their Thin Mints (which always sell out first), Samoas, the ones I bought, the Thanks A Lot. These girls were also raising money to send cookies to the troops in Iraq. You go, girls!

Tomorrow, the lambs of Spring.

Sharon CT Daily Photo will be one year old on March 30 - come celebrate with me!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Stone, ground, corn

It's still a while before the new corn is planted - the end of May it goes into the ground; by July 4 the fields are knee-high in green, and in another month the harvest starts. This is probably my last shot from Ellsworth - I have some great springtime photos for you starting tomorrow! Wait til you see the newborn lambs!

Sharon CT Daily Photo is One Year Old on March 30 - come celebrate with me!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gone Fishin' ....now?

It seems a little cold yet for fly fishing - even with waders their legs must be freezing. (The river still has lots of ice on it as you'll see tomorrow.) And even if they manage to stay in the water long enough to catch anythign they still have to contend with this.

March 30 is the one-year birthday of Sharon Daily Photo. Come celebrate with me!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Greek Revival?

ellworth church, originally uploaded by jahansell.

Not sure if this qualifies, but even so it's grand - a former church, I assume, but now a private home.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ellsworth Chimney

It's not attached to a house but it looks like it could have been. Or maybe it's from the iron industry.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Double X Barn

Another classic Sharon Barn - I like the bright white door trim and the faded wood around it. Someone with a barn, anyone - please invite me to come take pictures INSIDE!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weathered Wood

broken window, originally uploaded by jahansell.

I saw an Ansel Adams exhibit a few days ago, at the Detroit Institute of Arts (I'm in Michigan this week.) There was one photo, of weathered barn wood, that I thought of when I was choosing what photo to post today. It's amazing what he went through to get a shot - while we're busy clicking away and getting dozens of snaps, he's carefully composing a single shot, setting up his large-format camera, putting the plate in, and shooting off the shutter. If he misses it, it will take many more minutes to be ready for the next shot. Besides which, he won't even know til he gets to the darkroom. And yet, would any of us say our photos are better than his?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Under the Bridge

underthebridge2, originally uploaded by jahansell.

Did you ever think there would be a structure like this in Sharon? It's the Route 7 bridge over the Housatonic River that leads to Cornwall and Kent. A few more shots of it, here.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Icy inlet

Or pond, or stream - not quite sure. But it's near Ellsworth and I thought it was lovely.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spirit of Sharon

spirit, originally uploaded by jahansell.

This house is perhaps beyond the bounds of Ellsworth - I came across it when I took a wrong turn and found myself wending my way for mile after mile, not getting anywhere in particular. I finally pulled out my map and realized I was almost to Kent! The experience suggested a new project for me - to travel every back road of Sharon and take a picture from each one! Not sure I'm quite prepared to commit to this - for such a small town, Sharon is quite large, geographically! What do you think - should I do it?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dream House

dream house1, originally uploaded by jahansell.

Wouldn't you like to live here? I would! I think that walking outside and seeing this view each day would bring a kind of peace that would last throughout any busy day.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Let's go for a hike!

It was nearly 70 degrees here today - or maybe even more. Winter was cold here, but it was brief and seems to be over. So let's get outside - the Applachian trail runs right through Sharon and there are several spots to join in. I'd never seen this one before, right by the river. (We'll get back to our tour of Ellsworth tomorrow!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I call it the sky house

As I came upon this house near the Ellsworth cemetary I felt quite confused about what I was looking at - it was a house, but it had sky in the middle. I wish it hadn't been such a dull and cloudy day - I think it could look even more spectacular in good light! Any Sharon-ites want to share info on this house?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Ellsworth section of Sharon

We begin our tour of Ellsworth with a visit to the cemetary. I suppose that's where its residents ended their tour!

Here's a bit of history from the Sharon Historical Society: (I will show pictures of all the buildings mentioned -- if they're still standing -- before we're through!)

Very early in the history of Sharon the area known as Ellsworth developed an identity separate from that of the larger town, culminating in the establishment of a second ecclesiastical society in 1800. Ellsworth also supported Reverend Daniel Parker's large boarding school (1805) where within three years 200 young men came to study from as far away as Ohio, Maine and Virginia. Construction of the Sharon-Goshen Turnpike (1803) increased traffic through the settlement, which by mid-century supported two churches, two district schools, two sawmills, gristmill, blacksmith shop, cemetery, doctor's office, and two stores. The Methodist Church building, an excellent example of Greek Revival architecture, was erected shortly after 1839 when worshippers acquired land from Erastus Lord and Lewis Peck. In the late nineteenth century (1894) the Morey brothers acquired the property and operated a store here for a time. In 1928 the Taghhannuck Grange #100 purchased the property and retains ownership to this day.

In the 1880s French immigrants coming to work as colliers in the iron industry, often took up farming in Ellsworth-Sharon Mountain area. Later Ellsworth became home to Sharon's newest group of Jewish immigrant farmers who began arriving after 1905.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mud Season

Before I take you on a tour of Ellsworth, I should warn you, our shoes might get a bit muddy! I've never seen these signs before, but they're helpful and quite accurate!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not quite spring

It's not spring yet, but the sap is running. Maple syrup is a beloved product of our local forests, and many small operations tap the trees, boil the sap, bottle and sell it, year after year. This year seems be an exception, according to the Lakeville Journal - for many different reasons, a lot of the local farms aren't producing. Sharon Audubon is, however, and will be having its annual maple festival next weekend. I won't be around to see and photograph it, so went over there today to see the preparations. The sugar house was quiet but the buckets are filling up - a few more photos here.

I spent all afternoon wandering back roads of Sharon I've not yet shown on this blog - come back often in the next week or two to learn about Ellsworth and the Housatonic River. All this leading up to the one-year anniversary of Sharon Daily Photo in just about three weeks.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

House for sale, cheap

I posted a picture of this house last summer. Back then, it still had walls. It's still for sale - someone is offering to let a buyer dismantle it and reassemble it elsewhere. I wonder if they're forbidden to just demolish it because it's historic - it belonged to one Colonel Martin Winchell, after whom the mountain atop of which it sits is named. A little searching reveals that I'm not the only person to be curious about this house - here's a neat story about it. And here is some history of the Winchell family and how it came to the town of Northeast. And just to complete our history lesson, this page has some cool old photos of the railroad that used to traverse this mountain from Millerton to Pine Plains.

Friday, March 09, 2007

A bird's life

I know most local birds by sight, and a fair few by song, but I can't say I have clue about their tracks. These looked pretty big to me (of course you can't tell the scale) - maybe a blue jay. I don't think they're chickens! (And my neighbor, at whose house I photographed these, isn't known to keep fowl of any sort!)

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Not a welcome one - notice the birdfeeder is empty. I'm sure this squirrel is the culprit. Of course, a guy's gotta eat, and the buffet outside my window is always open. He seems to coexist fairly peacefully with the titmice and nuthatches. A carolina wren has been visiting fairly often, but I haven't been able to photograph it - it's quite shy.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Up Periscope!

From this angle, doesn't it look like someone is trying to spy on, or call out to, the birds out on the water? It's suprising to me that there's still any open water at all, since it's been cold for a solid six weeks now. But I guess it takes a lot longer than that for a large body of water to adjust after six months or more of warmth.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


It will be many months before these beachside swings are filled with laughing babies. In fact the babies that will inhabit them in August might not even be born yet! For now, they swing in the harsh March wind, which has been whipping particuarly meanly today, or they stand quietly, for months on end, until the air warms, the snows melt, and the children return.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Staying Home

This car (parked in a driveway just where North Main swings around onto Main Street) hasn't budged all winter. in fact, upon closer look, it hasn't even been registered in quite some time - the sticker on the license plate says 1997.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Here today, melted tomorrow

I took this shot a few days ago before the giant rainstorm and ice melt that led to all kinds of flooding around here. (I'm out of town today, in Salem, Ohio, and publishing remotely so I can't report on whether the snow has all melted - if so you'll be seeing a lot of pictures of mud next week!) The ice sculpture was carved by a local artist from Cornwall, Drew Zekas. The kids at my daughters' school are studying the sea, so they took a vote -should he carve a ship or a dolphin? Th e ship won, but not by much, so he did both. (My girls had both voted for dolphin so they were quite pleased.) It's a sloop, which was common on rivers in the 19th century. I don't imagine there were too many dolphins in the Hudson, but who needs to be a stickler for details?

Saturday, March 03, 2007


I stopped by the town beach the other day to see what it looked like in the dead of winter. There were no tracks in - or so it seemed at first. But then I noticed that many had been there before I...

Friday, March 02, 2007


What do I mean by progress? Only in that the number on this sign has progressed since last summer (the previous picture was posted in mid-July).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Men at Work - March Theme Day

The proprietor of Rick's Wine and Spirits has been one of the most loyal supporters of this blog, so it's only right that he and his shop should be the subject of this month's theme. He and his friend were doing what men at work (and women) have always done - commune with friends.

At last count, 66 other daily photo blogs are participating in this month's theme day - take a tour around the world (allowing for the variation in time zone, of course) to find out about the world of work.

Porto (Portugal) -Greenville SC (USA) -Hyde (UK) -Tenerife (Spain) -Albuquerque, NM (USA) -Stayton, OR (USA) -Rotterdam (NL) -Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) -London (England) -Richmond, VA (USA) -Sydney -Sally (Australia) -Newcastle upon Tyne (England) -Constanta (Romania) -Evry (France) -Lubbock, TX (USA) -Szentes (Hungary) -Villigen (Switzerland) -Mumbai (India) -Tel Aviv (Israel) -Twin Cities, MN [USA] -Jakarta (Indonesia) -Houston -Candice & Megan, TX (USA) -Budapest (Hungary) -Singapore - Zannnie (Singapore) -Dubai (UAE) -Singapore -Keropokman (Singapore) -Madrid -Dsole (Spain) -Mazatlan -Kate (Mexico) -Nelson (New Zealand) -Vantaa (Finland) -Kyoto (Japan) -Tokyo (Japan) -Joplin, MO (USA) -Auckland (New Zealand) -Sequim, WA (USA) -Menton (France) -Minneapolis, MN (USA) -Istanbul (Turkey) -Sydney -Nathalie (Australia) -Sharon, CT (USA) -Seattle, WA (USA) -Anderson, SC (USA) -Monte Carlo, (Monaco) -Milano, (Italy) -Grenoble (France) -Wailea, HI (USA) -Guelph, ON (Canada) -Melbourne - John (Australia) -New York City (USA) [Ming_the_Merciless] -Cebu (Philippines) -Bandung (Indonesia) -Antigua Guatemala (Central America) -Hamburg (Germany) -London -Jonemo (UK) -Hong Kong -Stavanger (Norway) -Paris (France) -Naples, Florida (USA) -Saarbrücken (Germany) -Shanghai (China) -Quito (Ecuador) -Zurich (Switzerland) -Joensuu ( Finland ) -Aliso Viejo, CA (USA) -Cheltenham (England) - Brussels, (Belgium)